I am at work right now doing some research for Doug. His son's iBook just took a dive off the deep end. UNL mac store said it probably needs a new hard drive. So in my searching for a new hard drive I stumbled upon the most radically cool website for mac do-it-yourselfers. It is called
iFixit and it way way cool. This website sells parts as well as showing you exactly how to change the part you bought from them. Roomie #1 is running out of space on his Powerbook (mainly because of Gray's Anatomy) and asked me what it would take to upgrade space and maybe RAM. I found that his Powerbook is far easier to upgrade than Doug's iBook. I might just tell doug to have UNL mac store upgrade it. Especially since they would do it for like $60 plus cost of hard drive. This is one of those Jiffy Lube dilemas- you can do it yourself but having someone else do it for a little more $ and less time is nice. Also sometimes do-it-yourselfers get in over their heads and have to receive help anyways. Well back to work now but enjoy cruzing iFixit all you mac lovers that read my blog. Okay that would be Ang and Ben... and me... and Krissy... and maybe Kristina. tootles