It is a good thing that neither Kayla, Angela, or little Ben are not CSI agents. No cases would be solved.
Yesterday I went to the last Jazz in June down by the Sheldon Art Gallary. I driven my car to school but wanted to ride my bike instead. Krissy was already downtown with her car and I didn't feel like having a second one down there for the sake of fuel consumption. Also I am trying to get/keep in shape this summer by riding my bike. Any who to the topic at hand. Before I left, my water bottle needed filling and I locked the house already. Got out my keys, unlocked the kitchen door and filled up the bottle. There is something you should know about the kitchen door, you can lock it without the key. I think you know where this is going.
I did not realize my keys were gone until about 2 hours later while packing up the blanket after Jazz in June. Panic was not setting in so I called Ben to see if they were on the counter. He wasn't home yet but would look and give me a call. The call was missed when he did get home. Alas no keys on the counter, according to Angela.
To make a semi long story shorter, I found my keys on the counter. I, Me, Myself found the keys that weren't on the counter. I am sure if I ask Angela she would say they were hiding. Hiding right next to/ semi under the bag of chips. I am thankful that my keys were there safe and sound. It makes me laugh that they were unable to find them. Or perhaps unwilling to look full heartedly. So maybe the three mentioned above would be good CSI agents. However they make lousy key finders.